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Asset / Property / Facility Management

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Asset Management
K1 Holding continuously improve the services and drives cash flow by means of the below listed value added activities to provide customers with higher values.


Property Management
Our latest standards application of management systems enhances the value of the asset while and in the other hand reduce the operating costs of the property. We give management services for the buildings such as;
Shopping Centre’s
Office Buildings
Residential Buildings
Department Stores


Facility Management
Facility Management services should fulfil the requirements of each individual customer. Delivering all services from one hand helps enhance the quality of service and optimizing the ancillary costs by taking into consideration the overall life cycle.
Energy Conservation
We have engineering solutions to reduce utility costs through conservation in a manner that retains and attracts residents.
Rental Revenue Optimization
Capital Market Optimization
Risk Management
Purchasing Power


Tenant Representation
We deliver customized service through our experienced staff, to find the right real estate to suit your demands and your portfolio.
We specifically target real estate opportunities that can benefit deep, longstanding global relationship Access to investment management and real estate operational expertise.
We represent your interest only, without compromise. Therefore, you will be able to focus on your core business and what matters the most.

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